Sunday, February 21, 2010

new home

all future posts will be here.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We are reading some really great stuff. Working on layout. Should be a blast.

Jackie is helping us out with some art to accompany each piece.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

This how we roll

So the deadline has passed, but to be perfectly honest we will certainly consider any submissions that may come in post-deadline. If there's that story that you thought might work, send it along even if you don't think it's ready. If we like the idea, we'll help you get it ready.

Monday, November 30, 2009

The Time Is Nigh

Here we go y'all. We're right about twenty-six and one half hours to go. That's more than enough to do one last final draft before you send it to

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Crunch Time, Hammer Time, Hard Time Blues

Now is when you need to get going on these submissions. You have one(1) week left. 06:23:43:13 left and counting. I know what most of you are thinking to yourselves/saying to your computer screens: I work full time and/or I'm participating in NaNoWriMo. How can I make it in time/do it at all?

You just have to put your social lives on hold. You have to tell your friend or friends that you can't make it to karaoke/movie/quilting/curling night. You don't have time to go to Amsterdam's Shadow Festival. You have a commitment. Not to us, but to yourself. You are a writer and you say this to people you meet. You said it to your federal loans. You might have a piece of paper that states that you are bona fide. You like words. You read. You journal. You blog. You whatever. There is a story* in you or in your drawer and it needs to be on paper. It needs to be in print. It needs to be emailed to us because if it isn't, you're a jerk. It's selfish to hoard your story+ away from the world.

I expect to hear from all of you very, very soon. If I don't hear from you, you make me a liar. Do you want me to be a liar?


*-see also: poem
+-see also: poem

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Final Countdown Revisited

Zack, I fixed your link on the last post. It took me nowhere when I tried it. You're welcome.

I'm hoping to have the website up within the week.

The Final Countdown

Hey y'all, Zack here. There are only two weeks left for submitting, so hurry up and finish your stories. Unlike Andreas, I will not offer a shameless plug on a shared blog.

click here