Wednesday, October 21, 2009

To Start it Off

This is my friend Dan on a roller coaster at Six Flags somewhere. One of his friends actually knows someone at NASA who digitally sends pictures out into space. This was sent up.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


This here blog is a tandem thing Zack and I have going on. All to promote Redheaded Stepchild. I'm going to offer a new kind of submission. Since the whole mission statement is about things being funny and not, horribly funny, etc., I figured it might be nice to offer our illustrator and photographer friends a chance at the unfortunate humor that is Redheaded Stepchild. For all you visual artists: email Attach a photo or drawing or painting or whatever and we'll post it right here on the blog. I'm interested in seeing what everyone thinks of when it comes to funny misfortune.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Newly started Chicago-based Lit zine for long short-shorts. 2,000 words or 3 poems is all you get to express yourself. Accepting submissions for Vol. I (Redux). Deadline is December first. Copy & Paste into an email, then send to We're looking for stories with an ugliness about them. Think walking into a glass door/finding out you had a twin who died at birth. We would like to pay you, but we can't.